International Women's Day 2024

Happy International Women’s Day!

This year we wanted to introduce 5 women who have been leading their organizations through their respective industries all while paying a Living Wage to their staff.

Only 18% of businesses in Canada are owned/led by women. While the number of female leaders is rising, female leaders still face countless obstacles and struggles within their respective industry.

Women are also far less likely to earn a Living Wage than their male equivalents. Women constituted 50% of the total BC workforce in 2022 but represented 61.5% of the workforce earning the minimum wage or less. Being a Living Wage Employer on top of running an organization can be challenging. We asked 5 amazing female Living Wage Employers what advice they had for their counterparts, and we got some pretty inspiring responses:

“I have seen how Indigenous voices and women's voices need to be amplified and supported to be taken seriously. Its never easy, but I try my best to lead by example and challenge preconceptions and redress injustice. And… I work really hard. People unable to make ends meet often cannot risk investing in themselves, innovating for a different future, or advocating for change. By supporting all of my company’s employees with a living wage, I hope to create room for them to follow their potential, raise their families, or spend time in their communities, rather than just making ends meet. This investment benefits more than just our team and company, it benefits the whole community.” - Rory Richards, CEO of Nuqo Elevated Modular

“I am extremely proud to be one of the first organizations in our sector to reach the status of a Certified Living Wage Employer and of our leadership’s steadfast commitment to ensuring the wellbeing and fair compensation for the incredibly passionate and dedicated team who constantly puts their clients’ need ahead of their own. Becoming a certified Living Wage Employer, and retaining the designation, is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Don’t get discouraged when you can’t get there immediately. Make a multi-year plan and take the incremental steps that bring you closer to your goal each year. Prioritize investments in salaries and be a champion for a healthy and financially secure workforce, whether it is with your funders, donors, or your Board.” -  Olga Stachova, CEO of M.O.S.A.I.C

“It's an incredible feeling to achieve Living Wage status in a few short years of running this business. As female leaders in the community I think we often forget the amount of positive influence we can have on those around us. We all carry unique gifts and experiences that can contribute to a kinder, more unified community. I'm a huge supporter of igniting the passions in others so that they can go and change their corner of the world.  I hope we're able to inspire other businesses to recognize the value of paying a Living Wage, and the ripple effect it will have on your staff, clients, and community.”  Rachelle Briscoe, Owner and Founder of Low Key Dog Walks.

“We're deeply proud to be one of the few female led organizations that are also living wage employers. We know how much it means to our team and that our customers take a lot of pride in supporting a business that has these types of values. We have had so many great conversations of late with folks about how paying their employees well (often above their competitor's employees’ wages) has very positively impacted their business. It's not the only piece of the puzzle - you can't pay folks well but treat them like garbage - but it's an important one. We want all of our employees to be able to show up to work feeling good and financial security is a foundational piece of feeling good.”  Elaine Kim Smith and Leslie Hoolaeff, Co- Founders, CEO & COO of Lover’s Tempo

What advice would you give to someone interested in becoming a Living Wage Employer?

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  • Lamya Rahman
    published this page in Blog 2024-03-07 18:05:57 -0800