The Living Wage for Families Campaign has decided to freeze the living wage for 2020.
The uncertainties and emergency government response initiatives related to COVID-19 have meant that it will be very difficult to accurately calculate living wage rates for this year. As a result, the living wage rates will remain at the same level until November 2021. Check out our map to see our local living wage rates in BC.
We are aware that many employers are experiencing challenges and uncertainties because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have had to lay off staff and/or close their doors while still needing to pay rent and other bills.
However, the COVID-19 crisis has also magnified the importance of achieving living wages for all, whether for workers identified as essential during this crisis or those whose low wages and precarious work have left them without a buffer in the face of acute income insecurity at this time. The case has never been stronger for paying living wages to all workers.
We will be using this time to step up our campaign for frontline and low wage workers to be paid a living wage. Join the campaign today.
Please feel free to get in touch.
[email protected]