Spotlight: Greater Victoria Police Victim Services
GVPVS have been a Living Wage Employer since 2017. They work in close partnership with, and provide victim services, on behalf of the seven police agencies in the Greater Victoria area. Their staff assist and provide emotional and practical crisis support plus ongoing support services to victims of crime and trauma including family members and witnesses. Their team of 14 highly trained staff carries out the society’s daily operations, including program administration, client services and volunteer support and coordination.
Becoming a Living Wage employer was an achievable goal for them which benefited their organization and the people they serve.
The Living Wage movement is very important today as the cost of living is increasing and Victoria is considered one of Canada's most expensive cities to live. Earning a living wage means that an employee can afford to meet their basic needs. Jacquelyn Carson, GVPVS
They’ve found that it has improved both morale and employee retention - happier employees are more likely to stay with GVPVS.
The Living Wage will provide financial relief amid the Covid-19 pandemic and help employees survive the economic insecurity. When employees are able to live comfortably and provide the necessities for their families, they are then more motivated to work and they are happier and more productive. Karyn French, Executive Director
GVPVS have been able to use their Living Wage certification in funding applications and contract negotiations.
Being a Living Wage employer shows a commitment to being an ethical service provider. This not only improves our reputation, but it also attracts more workers and volunteers. Karyn French, Executive Director
Please feel free to get in touch.
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